ENGLISH GRAMMAR ACTIVITIES (1º, 2º & 4º- April, 16th)

4º ESO - Conditional  Sentences. Mixed Types

1.-Use your own ideas and the correct tense to finish the following sentences.

                -If you do more exercise, __________
                -If you came with us, __________
                -If we had had more time, __________
                -If you mix black and white, __________
                -We would have visited Rome if __________
                -You’ll be OK if __________
                -They would speak German if __________
                -You get 4 if __________

2.- Rewrite the following sentences using ‘UNLESS’.

                -If you don’t have a ticket, you can’t come in.
                -Children don’t have to play outside if they don’t want.
                -If you don’t stop shouting, I won’t listen to you.
                -She won’t buy a car if she doesn’t pass her driving test.

3.- Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

                -I’ll feel upset if he don’t come.
                -If it wasn’t raining, we would going out.
                -He would come more frequently if he didn’t lived so far away.
                -She would has got a better mark if she had studied.
                -If they won’t phone us, I contact them tomorrow.
                -They wouldn’t have have the accident if they had drove more slowly.
                -What would your teacher be if she wasn’t at home?


1.-Complete the rules with ‘Past Simple’ or ‘Past Continuous’.

- The __________ talks about an action finished in the past.
- The __________  expresses an action  was happening in a concrete past moment.

2.-Complete with the Past Simple form of the verbs between brackets.

            -I _____ (not be) at home last night.
            -My parents _____ (not go) to work last week.
            -They _____ (travel) around the world last summer.
            -She _____ (find) the solution yesterday.
            - _____ ( you – study) English yesterday?
            - Our team _____ (win) the last match.
            - He _____ (not pass) the last Science exam.
            - Where _____ (you-be) last Monday?
            - I _____ (feel) so tired when I _____ (finish) the race last evening.
            - How many present _____ (you get) last Christmas?

3.- This is what the members of my family were doing yesterday at 6 p.m. Complete with the Past Continuous form of the verbs between brackets.

            -My mum _____ (cook) and I _____ (help) her.
            -My dad _____ (watch) T.V and my brother _____ (read) the newspaper.
            -My cousins _____ (play) cards and my uncle _____ (take) a photo.
            -My brothers _____ (speak) on the phone.
            -My sister’s fish _____ (swim) happily.


1.-Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

            -We should eating more fruit.
            -I can to drive.
            -My mum cans speak four languages.
            -Do you can dance? Yes.
            -They don’t should speak in class.
            -She can type? No.
            -Our teacher can helps us.
            -I can go to the toilet, please? Yes.
            -Everybody should to tell the truth.
            -You should are healthy.

2.-Complete with ‘SHOLD/SHOULDN’T’ or ‘CAN/CAN’T.

            -I _____speak French but I _____ speak Italian.
            -She _____ do her homework everyday.
            -You _____ eat in class.
            -We _____ wash our hands as much as possible.
            -He_____ ride her bike but he _____ skate.
            -We _____ watch T.V too many hour.
            -People _____ be more polite.

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR 4º ESO (April, 27th)