ENGLISH VOCABULARY 1º, 2º & 4º (April, 21st)

Read again the text  about Shakespeare which we worked with yesterday and try to find in it examples of 
1º ESO

-A month of the year:               
-A Possessive Adjective:
-A synonym of ‘deep’              
-Adverbs of frequency:            
-An Object Pronoun:
-Saxon Genitive:

Can you find the words matching the following definitions in the text?

_____ : vote , survey.
_____ : a person who writes plays.
2º ESO

-A Possessive Adjective:                     
-An Object Pronoun:
-A Reflexive Pronoun:              
-Two Adverbs of Manner:
-Saxon Genitive:                                 
-Past Simple verbs :
-Adverbs of Frequency:                       
-A synonym of ‘Perhaps’:
-An opposite to ‘lends’:
-Past Simple Verbs:

Can you find the words matching the following definitions?

_____ : develop a deep romantic love to someone.
_____ : altering one’s appearance to hide one’s appearance.
_____ : having a shocking beauty or splendor.
4º ESO

-Past Simple Irregular Verbs (add their infinitive between brackets):
-Passive Voice verb forms (indicating in which tense is it between brackets):
-Present Perfect Verbal forms:
-A synonym for ‘for sure’:
-A synonym of ‘perhaps’:
-Superlative form of adjectives:

Can you find the words matching the following definitions?

_____ : a person whose job is writing  plays.
_____ : the fact of losing against someone in a fight / competition.

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR 4º ESO (April, 27th)