ENGLISH GRAMMAR 4º (May, 29th)


We are going to review the different ways of expressing Future Time in English and the form and use differences between them.

A.-We can make FUTURE PREDICTIONS to express what we think will happen in the future.

-We use ‘will+infinitive’ if we simple express our opinion, make a promise or an offer.

For example: imagine that you look at the sky and it is all blue without a cloud on it. However, you say ‘I think it will rain’, you use ‘will’ because you are stating your opinion.

-We use ‘be going to + infinitive’ if we make a prediction based on  present evidence, that is, you see something that makes you predict something is going to happen in the future.

For example: imagine that you look at the sky and it’s all covered with black clouds and you say ‘ It is going to rain’, you use ‘be going to’ because after seeing the black clouds, you can make a more or less ‘sure’ prediction.

B.-We can talk about FUTURE ACTIONS.

-We use ‘will+ infinitive’ to talk about a spontaneous action, that is, an action we have not planned to do, something that we decide to make as we are speaking.

For example: imagine you are watching T.v and your little sister asks you to help her with her homework. Obviously, you haven’t planned to help your sister, so you would answer ‘OK , I will help you’ or ‘No, I won’t’ , using ‘will’ because you make the decision in that same moment.

-We use ‘be going to + infinitive’ to talk about planned future actions.

For example : Imagine your birthday is next Saturday and you have invited all your friends to a fast food restaurant to celebrate it. You would say ‘We are going to celebrate my birthday in McDonal’s next Saturday’, using ‘be going to’ because it’s a planned action (choosing and booking the restaurant, the date, the people coming, the time …)

-We use ‘Present Continuous’ to talk about a planned action in the near future.

For example: Imaging that you have an English exam tomorrow and you have arranged to meet your friends in the library this evening to review for it together. You would say: ‘I’m meeting my friends this evening’.

You must remember that both ‘be going to+infinitive’ and ‘Present Continuous’ are used to talk about a future planned action.The difference between the stands on HOW NEAR THAT FUTURE IS, that is,‘Tonight’ is closer than ‘next month’ and therefore, you would say : ‘I’m phoning my friend tonight’ and ‘I’m going to travel to Belfast next month’.

-We use the ‘Present Simple’ with future meaning to mainly talk about timetables.

For example: imagine you are travelling to León by train tomorrow at 18.30. You would say: ‘MY train leaves at 18:00’ because , although it may be late, the time is fixed (planned).


1.-Copy the following chart in your notebook.

2.-Click on the links below to practice the difference between Be Going To + INF / Will + INF.

3.-Click on the following link to practice the different future forms.

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR 4º ESO (April, 27th)