ENGLISH VOCABULARY 1º, 2º & 4º (May, 6th)

1º ESO

1. -Copy the VOCABULARY about ANIMALS in your notebook (unit 6).  

Ant – Bat – Butterfly – Chicken – Chimpanzee – Cow – Crocodile Dolphin – Elephant
Fly – Fox – Frog – Giraffe – Goldfish – Gorilla – Horse – Iguana – Lion – Lizard – Pig
Mosquito – Parrot – Python – Rabbit – Rat – Salamander . Shark – Sheep – Snake
Spider – Tiger – Turtle – Whale – Wolf – Worm – Zebra
2. -Classify the animals above into five columns (Mammals, Birds, Fish, Amphibians, Insects).

3. -Make the exercises on page 48 in your workbook and send me your answers.

2º ESO

1.-Match the MEANS OF TRANSPORT (unit 6) below to their definition:

Underground-Motorbike-Ferry-Jeep-Coach-Tram-Aeroplane-Scooter-Yacht-Lorry-Minivan-Motorboat-Cruise Ship-Helicopter
__________ : a vehicle designed for air travel with wings and one or more engines.
__________ : bus.
__________ : large ship like a hotel for pleasure travelling.
__________ : a boat for taking passengers and vehicles across an area of water.
___________ : aircraft without wings with a set of blades going very fast on top.
___________ : small strong vehicle for travelling over rough ground , specially by the army.
___________ : tuck.
___________ : a large high car carrying more people than a normal car.
___________ : a small motorcycle.
___________ : a small, fast boat powered by an engine.
___________ : a child’s vehicle with 2 or 3 small wheels joined to the bottom of a narrow board   
and a long vertical handle attached to the front wheel.
___________ : electric vehicle to transport people, usually in cities, which goes along metal
tracks in the road.
___________ : a railway system in which electric trains travel through tunnels below ground.
___________ : a boat with sails and sometimes an engine, used for racing or travelling on for

2.-Make exercises 1 , 2 and 3 on page 48 in your workbook and send me your answers (only 2 and 3)
4º ESO

1.-DIGITAL WORLD VOCABULARY (unit 5) : Complete the phrases with one of the verbs below (the meaning of each phrase is between brackets).

Comment - Be registered with – Transfer – Edit - Log on – Host – Network -Lauch- Access – Respond – Upload – Bookmark

__________ a blog (provide the computer hardware and software allowing a website to exist).

__________a website (begin / start).
__________an online article (publish).
__________a video to the Internet (to move info to the Internet).
__________ e-mails on your phone (to open to see).
__________ on people’s photos (express an opinion).
__________ to people’s comments (say/do something as a reaction to something said/done).
__________ to a social networking site (to connect to a computer system).
__________ a social network site ( recorded on an official membership list)
__________ a favourite site (make a special record of a website in your computer).
__________ photos from your hone to the computer (move from one place to another).
__________ with friends ( connect computers together to interact and share information).

2.-Make exercises 1 , 2 and 3 on page 40 in your workbook and send me your answers.

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR 4º ESO (April, 27th)